Class Teacher
Mr Wilkinson
Mrs. North works with the Year 5 pupils in the mornings and some Year 6s in the afternoons.
Class Teaching Assistant
Miss Moss
PPA Cover
Miss Moss
(Wednesday afternoon)
Mrs. Maycock
(Tuesday afternoon)
The tests will be on the week commencing Mon 12th May 2025.
Welcome back everyone!
This half term, we’re studying the Victorian Period in History and in particular, how disadvantaged children lived. We’re off to Ripon Museums to live a day as a Victorian child too! In English we're looking at a Victorian childhood via ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. We'll be studying networks in computing and making our own sad Victorian portraits in Art. We'll be looking at fitness and hockey in PE and focusing on fractions and shape/angles in Maths, not forgetting learning Christmas songs in Music for our fabulous Carol Concert in December!
Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Please arrive to school in your PE kit:
Reading |
Online Learning Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week |
Home Learning Grid These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning. |
Daily reading |
Home Learning Grid |
KS1 |
Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
Year 1 Year 2 |
Home Learning Grid |
LKS2 |
Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
Home Learning Grid |
UKS2 |
Daily reading Reading Miles Passport |
Home Learning Grid |
The children’s passwords are in the front of their green reading record.
Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school.