Class Teacher
Miss Crossley
Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Birtwistle
PPA Cover (Wednesday PM)
Mr Richards
Welcome back Class 9!
This half term, we are studying Volcanoes in Geography, answering the enquiry question 'Would you live near a volcano?'. In English, we will be reading 'The Jamie Drake Equation' by Christopher Edge, writing a chapter, whilst creating tension using action and dialogue. In maths, we will be focusing on fractions, geometry, measurement, statistics and problem solving. In science, we will be larning about Light, studying Christianity in RE, learning a traditoinal tale in French and producing Space themed painting in Art. In PE, will will be learning netball skills in our invasion games unit and focusing on Gymnastics as our second unit.
We have a trip to the Philharmonic Orchestra on Thursday 13th March.
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Please arrive to school in your PE kit:
Reading |
Online LearningChildren should access each online learning platform 3 times a week |
Home Learning GridThese are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning. |
Daily reading for 5 minutes |
Topmarks (EYFS games) Phonics Play (Phase 2 &3)
Home Learning Grid
KS1 |
Daily reading
Round the World Fill the bookshelves!
Year 1 Year 2 |
Home Learning Grid |
LKS2 |
Daily reading
Round the World Fill the bookshelves!
Home Learning Grid |
UKS2 |
Daily reading
Round the World Fill the bookshelves!
Home Learning Grid
The children’s passwords are in the front of the green reading record.
Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school