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  • Class 5

    Welcome to Class 5

    Year 2

    Class Teacher

    Mr Bell

    Class Teaching Assistants

    Miss Smith and Miss Dean

    Autumn 2

    Hello and welcome to the Class 5 page. Most of the information you require about Class 5 can likely be found here, however, feel free to get in touch with me (Mr Bell) via the office or catch me at the door if you have any other questions.

    This half term we have lots of new learning across the broad range of subjects from multiplication, money and time in maths to writing setting descriptions and weather reports in English. In addition to this we will be covering wheels and and axles in DT, the weather and seasons in science, Christianity in RE and valuing difference in PSHE. 

    Alongside our usual lessons, we also have plenty of other activities and events going on, particularly as we get closer to Christmas. Chief among these is the KS1 nativity which will be performed on the 12th December. 

    As always, a busy few months ahead in the lead up to Christmas but lots of learning, fun and memory making along the way. 

    In the meantime, I have attached some links below which will give children a head start on some of our more challenging forthcoming maths units. 

    PE Days

    Our PE day is Tuesday this half term although on Tuesday, children will need to come to school with their outdoor clothing in a separate bag ready for forest school. On Friday, children will also need to bring their outdoor clothing (waterproofs, wellies etc.) to take part in our weekly outdoor provision session. 

    Please ensure children are dressed suitably in keeping with the uniform policy. 

    Appropriate PE clothing really does help ensure the success and safety of our sessions. 

    Homework Grid

    Home Learning



    Online Learning

    Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week

    Home Learning Grid

    These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning.




    Daily reading


    Home Learning Grid

    Class 1

    Class 2


    Daily reading


    Reading Miles Passport

    Year 1


    Year 2


    TT Rockstars 

    Spelling Shed

    Home Learning Grid

    Class 3

    Class 4

    Class 5


    Daily reading


    Reading Miles Passport

    TT Rockstars 

    Spelling Shed



    Home Learning Grid

    Class 6

    Class 7

    Class 8


    Daily reading

    Reading Miles Passport

    TT Rockstars 

    Spelling Shed

    Y6 SATs companion

    Home Learning Grid

    Class 9

    Class 10

    Class 11

    The children’s passwords are in the front of their green reading record.

    Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school.