Class Teachers
Mrs Capstick and on Fridays - Mrs Clark & Miss Bot
Weds PM covered by Miss Bot
Class Teaching Assistants
Mrs Yates, Mrs Payne and Miss Austin
Our topic for this half term is Weather and Seasons. We will be learning about the surprises each season brings and how the world outside changes throughout the year. This will be our main focus in Geography. Our English units will be linked to our Geography. Our fiction book is called 'The Oak Tree' and focuses on how the seasons and years change the setting of the Oak Tree. We will also read 'Wild Weather' as our Non Fiction text and use it to create our very own weather report. We will be doing our DT lessons outside in the forest school, learning how to build things that have wheels and axles. In Science we will be continuing to learn all about different materials and their properties. In PSHE we will be learning about 'Valuing Difference', in Computing our focus is 'IT all around us', in RE we will be looking at the Nativity story and practicing performance through our Nativity songs in Music, we have a throwing unit for PE.
Our PE days on Fridays and we have Forest school on Tuesdays.
Please arrive to school in your PE kit:
Our Outdoor Provision days are Monday and Tuesday.
Please arrive at school in your normal uniform but also bring:
Reading |
Online Learning Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week |
Home Learning Grid These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning. |
Daily reading |
Home Learning Grid |
KS1 |
Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
Year 1 Year 2 |
Home Learning Grid |
LKS2 |
Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
Home Learning Grid |
UKS2 |
Daily reading Reading Miles Passport |
Home Learning Grid |
The children’s passwords are in the front of their green reading record.
Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school.