Class Teachers
Mrs Rigby and Mrs Masser (Friday)
Class Teaching Assistants
Mrs Perry and Mrs Kay
Our topic for this half term is Weather and Seasons. In English we will be reading and analysing 'The Storm Whale in Winter' by Benji Davies, leading up to writing a setting description. We will also be reading the non-fiction book, 'Wild Weather' by Usborne and writing a weather report. In Maths, our topics are Shape, Sequencing and Sorting, Fractions, Capacity and Volume, Money and Time. In Geography, we will be learning all about the weather and seasons and answering the enquiry question: Why is the weather different across the year? In DT, we will making be learning all about and exploring wheels and axels with Neil in Forest School. We will also be learning to make pop-up cards a little closer to Christmas. In Science, we will be learning about the uses of everyday materials an in RE, we are continuing to learn all about Christianity in the build up to our Nativity. Our Music sessions will be use of voice and performing, and we will therefore be learning and singing the songs for our upcoming Nativity. In PE this half term we will be performing Dance. In Computing, we will be learning about IT around us and in PSHE our topics are Valuing Difference and Online Bullying.
Our PE day is Monday.
Please arrive to school in your PE kit:
Our Outdoor Provision days are Wednesday and Thursday.
This half term we will also be having a Forest School session with Neil every Tuesday.
On these days, children need to arrive at school with suitable clothing and shoes for the outdoors. They can wear their normal school uniform but should also bring the following:
Reading |
Online Learning Children should access each online learning platform 3 times a week |
Home Learning Grid These are suggested home learning tasks that promote curiosity in the subjects the children are currently learning. |
Daily reading |
Home Learning Grid |
KS1 |
Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
Year 1 Year 2 |
Home Learning Grid |
LKS2 |
Daily reading
Reading Miles Passport |
Home Learning Grid |
UKS2 |
Daily reading Reading Miles Passport |
Home Learning Grid |
The children’s passwords are in the front of their green reading record.
Class dojo is used for parental communication, reminders and for photos of activities at school.