We believe that an effective partnership between home and school is beneficial in supporting children in their learning. Class Dojo is a communication application (app) which connects parents/carers, teachers and children. Teachers use it as a communication platform to encourage children and to get parents/carers engaged in their children’s learning. It has a reward component and a communication system. Teachers can communicate with parents on a 1:1 messaging service or via the class page where general news and class messages can be shared. Teachers can create engaging content including videos and interactive tasks for children to complete as part of their home learning. ClassDojo allows parents, teachers, and pupils to work together as a team, share in the classroom experience, and bring big ideas to life in their classrooms and homes.
Introduction to Class Dojo:
Class Dojo is an online tool which offers many useful features including: behaviour management, home learning, parent/carer and teacher communication as well as class news feeds.
Class Dojo is free and works on any iOS/Android/Kindle Fire device or web browser.
In order for the system to work efficiently and effectively, this document will highlight the stipulations around use from teachers and parents/carers in order to keep Class Dojo safe and a positive communicative tool.
Behaviour- Dojo Points
Teachers use Class Dojo to promote positive learning behaviours in class and to reward pupils for displaying positive behaviours connected to our school’s behaviour policy.
Each child gets a monster avatar at the start of the academic year or when they join the class. Teachers and teaching assistants award dojo points for:
● Crawshawbooth’s 3 R’s- Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible and the three school values of respect, resilience and curiosity
● Showing a positive attitude towards their learning
● Working respectfully with a partner
● Showing good manners
● Being kind towards a member of the class
● Actively participating in the lesson
● Being polite
● Engaging well in group learning
● Great effort on home learning
● Listening carefully in class
● Awarding the whole class or groups
Parents/carers will be able to see when and why their child has been awarded dojo points when they log into their app, which can prompt a positive discussion at home.
Class teachers will not be taking dojo Points away from children but will use our restorative approaches to managing unacceptable behaviours.
We aim for every child at Crawshawbooth Primary School to reach 100 dojo Points at the end of each term. As the child moves into their next term, the points reset at zero.
The School Council chose for Class Dojo certificates to be awarded in the Celebration Assembly to congratulate and celebrate our children’s achievements for certain milestones. Following consultation with all stakeholders of the school, the school council decided on the following rewards.
They agreed that:
100 Class Dojo points= A child receives a certificate
150 Class Dojo points = Pen (Dojo Shop)
150 Class Dojo points = Pencil (Dojo Shop)
150 Class Dojo points = Rubber (Dojo Shop)
150 Class Dojo points = Ruler (Dojo Shop)
150 Class Dojo points = Pencil Sharpener (Dojo Shop)
200 Class Dojo points= Badge (Dojo Shop)
200 Class Dojo Points = Ball (Dojo Shop)
200 Class Dojo Points = Stickers
250 Class Dojo points= Pencil Case
300 Class Dojo points = Sweet bag
300 Class Dojo points = Ice Lolly / Treat
350 Class Dojo points = Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher
400 Class Dojo points= A child becomes a Dojo ambassador
450 Class Dojo points = Sport Equipment
500 Class points = Play a board game with a friend
600 Class Dojo points= Your chosen lunch with the Headteacher
700 Class Dojo points = Trip to the Park