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  • Computing & New Technology

    Computing Subject Leader - Mrs H Capstick

    Computing Governor - Mr Brierley

    Computing Intent Statement

    At Crawshawbooth Primary School, we believe that providing a high-quality computing education prepares our pupils for active participation in an increasingly digital world.

    It’s essential for students to have a solid foundation in Computer Science, gaining an understanding of how digital systems operate while developing programming skills and computational thinking. This approach promotes systematic, logical problem-solving abilities.

    Additionally, students will explore a variety of information communication technologies, enabling them to design programs, systems, and various types of content. As their future will likely involve regular software use, they will gain the experience and confidence needed to handle these tools effectively.

    Digital literacy will also be a key focus, ensuring students can safely use technology to express themselves and develop their ideas, with consideration for others. As digital interactions become more common, establishing safe and appropriate usage guidelines is crucial.

    By combining these three elements, we aim to help our pupils become capable, engaged, and responsible participants in the digital world.


    • To enable children to become autonomous, independent users of Computer technology, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their computing activities
    • To equip children with skills for the future workplace that will require computer system and programming knowledge.
    • To develop a whole school approach to Computing ensuring continuity and progression in all strands of the Computing National Curriculum
    • To use Computers as a tool to support teaching, learning and management across the curriculum
    • To provide children with opportunities to develop their Computing capabilities in all areas specified by the National Curriculum
    • To ensure Computers are used, when appropriate, to improve access to learning for pupils with a diverse range of individual needs, including those with SEN and disabilities
    • To maximise the use of Computers in developing and maintaining links between other schools, the local community including parents and other agencies. 
    • To ensure children know how to work safely online in school and at home.


    In order to fulfil the above aims it is necessary for us to ensure:

    • a continuity of experience throughout the school both within and among year groups
    • the systematic progression through Key Stages 1 & 2
    • that Foundation Stage experience a range of programmable toys to support their learning and use the scheme to support learning.
    • that the National Curriculum programmes of study and their associated strands and attainment target are given appropriate coverage
    • that all children have access to a range of Computer resources
    • that Computer experiences are focussed to enhance learning
    • that cross curricular links are exploited where appropriate
    • that children’s experiences are monitored and evaluated
    • that resources are used to their full extent
    • that resources and equipment are kept up to date as much as possible
    • that staff skills and knowledge are kept up to date as much as it is possible
    • that children are supported in using IT equipment safely in school.
    • That children receive informative and up to date lessons on online safety in school.
    • That parents are supported in their knowledge on how to keep their children safe online at home.

    Computing Showcase